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Univerzitet u Beogradu

ProORC - Profiling ORC genetics and regulation in cancer

Program saradnje srpske nauke sa dijasporom: vaučeri za razmenu znanja, Fond za nauku Republike Srbije, 6504965, 2020-2022
Rukovodilac: Dr Jelena Kušić Tišma, IMGGI

The Origin Recognition Complex (ORC) is essential for cell division. Recent data suggest resilience in certain cells to ORC dysfunction. The project will explore ORC-related mutations in different tumor types using a large cancer genome data sets from the PCAWG project. Together with expansion of annotations for the DNA replication process in Reactome database and establishment of ORC regulatory network, results will illuminate mechanisms behind cell adaptability to ORC impairment and will be relevant for cancer diagnostics and treatment.

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