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University of Belgrade

Molecular Biomedicine

  • The efforts of the Group for Molecular Biomedicine (GMB) are directed towards research of the molecular basis of health and disease and translational biomedicine with the aim of implementing personalized medicine based on the patient's personal genome in the health system. GMB uses next-generation sequencing technology, GWAS, and bioinformatics tools such as machine learning to monitor response to therapy and design predictive testing panels.

    GMB research is focused on the following topics:

    • Pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics and pharmacotranscriptomics as a basis for the application of personalized medicine in the treatment of various diseases (childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia, inflammatory bowel diseases, systemic sclerosis, COVID19, assessment of placental function in pregnant women)
    • Hematological malignancies: identification of molecular markers for disease stratification, prognosis and adequate treatment (childhood acute leukemia, acute and chronic adult leukemia, myeloma, lymphomas)
    • Solid tumors: application of liquid biopsy in the identification of molecular markers of prognosis, disease monitoring and therapy (non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, gliomas), comprehensive genomic profiling (non-small cell lung cancer)
    • COVID19: genomic profile of patients with COVID19 as insight into interindividual differences between patients with different clinical presentation
    • Regenerative medicine: molecular basis of Buerger's disease, osteoarthritis in veterinary medicine

    Successful cooperation with numerous prominent centers and top scientists from EU countries resulted in joint works and partnership in significant projects. The GMB team actively participates in the education of young staff within the University of Belgrade, especially in the process of preparing multidisciplinary doctoral theses. Also, the popularization and promotion of molecular genetics, genomics and biomedicine at all levels is a constant activity of the researchers of the Molecular Biomedicine Group.

  • Branka Zukic, Full Research Professor
    Tel: +381 65 3976445
    Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia

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