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University of Belgrade


    Clinical exome sequencing
    1 250 eur

    Custom analysis of a human gene

    one exon
    176 eur

    Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency

    Detection of S and Z mutations in A1AT
    186 eur

    Epidermolysis bullosa

    Molecular diagnosis of dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (c.425A>G in COL7A1)
    176 eur

    Cystic fibrosis

    Detection of F508del CFTR mutation*
    127 eur
    Detection of the 7 most common CFTR mutations*
    294 eur
    Prenatal detection of cystic fibrosis*
    186 eur
    Screening of the CFTR gene 2* (exons: 2,6b,8,14b,16,17a,18, 22,23,24)
    931 eur
    Screening of the CFTR gene 1* (exons: 1,3,4,5,6a,7,9,10, 11,12,13,14a,15,17b,19,20,21)
    1323 eur

    Cytochrome c oxidase deficiency

    Molecular diagnosis of cytochrome c oxidase deficiency (p.Glu140Lys in SCO2 gene)
    176 eur

    Fumarase deficiency / Reed’s syndrome

    Molecular diagnosis of fumarase deficiency / Reed’s syndrome
    412 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of fumarase deficiency / Reed’s syndrome in a blood relative
    176 eur

    Tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency

    Molecular diagnosis of tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency
    500 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of tyrosine hydroxylase deficiency in a blood relative
    176 eur

    Molecular diagnosis of familial Mediterranean fever

    Molecular diagnosis of familial Mediterranean fever
    176 eur


    Detection of mutations in the PAH gene
    412 eur

    Glycogen storage diseases

    Molecular diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type I
    500 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type Ia
    244 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type Ib
    294 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of glycogen storage disease type I in a blood relative
    176 eur

    Gaucher disease

    Molecular diagnosis of Gaucher disease
    412 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of Gaucher disease in a blood relative
    176 eur

    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia

    Detection of mutations, conversions and large deletions of the CYP21A2 gene
    353 eur
    Detection of mutations in the CYP21A2 gene - in the family member
    176 eur

    MSUD (Maple syrup urine disease)

    Molecular diagnosis of MSUD (Maple syrup urine disease)
    588 eur RSD
    Molecular diagnosis of MSUD (Maple syrup urine disease) - BCKDHA gene
    30.000,00 RSD
    Molecular diagnosis of MSUD (Maple syrup urine disease) - BCKDHB gene
    382 eur
    Molecular diagnosis of MSUD (Maple syrup urine disease) in a blood relative
    176 eur


    Detection of mutations in β- globin genes
    235 eur
    Detection of mutations in α- globin genes*
    235 eur
    Detection of mutations in α- and β- globin genes in the family member*
    176 eur
    Prenatal detection of thalassemia syndromes*
    176 eur

    Shwachman-Diamond syndrome

    Molecular diagnosis of Shwachman-Diamond syndrome
    235 eur

    Gilbert's syndrome

    Analysis of variants of UGT1A1*28significant as a diagnostic marker in Gilbert 's syndrome and pharmacogenetic marker during irinotecan therapy
    176 eur
Analysis of bovine k – CASEIN gene variants
38 eur
Analysis of bovine ß – LACTOGLOBULIN gene variants
38 eur
Molecular diagnostics of BLAD(Bovine Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency)
46 eur
Molecular diagnostics of Porcine Stress Syndrome (PSS)
46 eur

Purchase of the reference strain
98 eur
"DNK fingerprinting" analysis microorganisms
(with existing primers and reference strains)
154 eur
a) DNA isolation
25 eur
b) PCR
25 eur
c) Sequencing
66 eur
d) identification
9 eur
PFGE genotyping
(Price is for genotyping of 1 to 20 microorganizms)
588 eur
Determining the total number of viable bacteria / yeast sample
(Price is for cultivation of one bacteria in the standard medium it would be changed according to the number,
type of microorganism and the needed medium)
39 eur
a) PCR analysis
25 eur
b) Sequencing
66 eur
c) identification
9 eur
Phylogenetic analysis (up to 3 sequences)
Each additional sequence
49 eur
Each additional sequence
10 eur

Testing toxicity of the compound on the Zebrafish embryos in vivo

Test 1 Acute toxicity test
106 eur
Test 2 Determination of teratogenic potential
106 eur
Test 3 Cardiotoxicity test
106 eur
Test 1+3 or 2+3
139 eur

Testing cytotoxicity of the compound using the cell culture

Testing cytotoxicity of the compound using the cell culture – 1 analysis
Testing cytotoxicity of the compound using the cell culture – 2 to 3 analyses
76 eur
Testing cytotoxicity of the compound using the cell culture – 2 to 3 analyses
103 eur
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