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University of Belgrade

Researchers' Night

The aim of the Researchers' Night manifestation is to enable visitors to get to know researchers and familiarize with the science as part of everyday life.

For several years now IMGGE is one of the organizers of this manifestation in Serbia. During past five years the program has included Belgrade, Novi Sad, Zrenjanin, Subotica, Nis, Pancevo, Kragujevac, Jagodina and Cuprija, while Researchers' Night Science Vans have visited Knjazevac, Kula, Pivnice, Lapovo, Kursumlija, Backo Dobro Polje, Vranovo, Veliko Srediste, Sicevo and Svilajnac. Every year in the Belgrade city center various activities are organized in collaboration with Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade City Library, Servantes Institute, French Institute, and other cultural and educational institutions.

In the past five years, manifestation was held within projects funded by European Union:

23rd September 2011

Project: RENIFEVER 287432

Partner: Center for Promotion of Science and Art
Coordinator: Sonja Pavlovic, PhD

28th September 2012

Project: SCIMFONICOM 316471

Partners: Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovis” and Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Coordinator: Aleksandra Nikolic, PhD

27th September 2013

Project: SCIMFONICOM 2.013 609724

Partners: Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovis” and Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Coordinator: Aleksandra Nikolic, PhD

26th September 2014
25th September 2015

Project: SCIMFONICOM 2014-2015 633376

Partners: Institute for Biological Research “Sinisa Stankovic” and Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Coordinator: Bojana Banovic, PhD

30th September 2016
29th September 2017

Project: SCIMFONICOM 2016-2017 722473

Partners: Faculty of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Biology and Institute of Physics, University of Belgrade
Coordinator: Sanja Jeremic, PhD

28th September 2018
27th September 2019

Project: SCIMFONICOM 2016-2017 818747

Partners: Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
Coordinator: Aleksandra Divac Rankov, PhD

27th November 2020

Project: SCIMFONICOM 2020 955327

Coordinator: Biljana Sljukic, PhD, Faculty of Physical Chemistry, University of Belgrade
IMGGE Coordinator: Milena Ugrin, PhD

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