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University of Belgrade

Nataša Kovačević Grujičić

Associate Research Professor
Laboratory for Human Molecular Genetics

Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Mobile:   +381 65  3976212                           
Phone:   +381 11 3976212
Fax:       +381 11 397 58 08


2009 - PhD in Biological Sciences, Faculty of Biology (FB), UB (“Characterization of the basal promoter of the human SOX3 gene and identification of the regulatory elements responsible for the SOX3 gene induction by retinoic acid“)
2000 - M.Sc. in Biological Sciences, FB, UB
1996 - B.Sc. in Molecular Biology and Physiology, FB, University of Belgrade


2022 – hands-on training on cell reprogramming of somatic cells, Neuroscience and Mental Health Innovation Institute, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 31.07. – 29.10. 2022.
2018 - Associate Research Professor, Laboratory for Human Molecular Genetics (LHMG), IMGGE, UB
2010 -  Research Associate, Laboratory for Human Molecular Genetics (LHMG), IMGGE
2001 - 2010 - Research Assistant, LHMG, IMGGE
1998 - 2001 - Research Trainee, Laboratory for Molecular Hematology (LMH), IMGGE


2022 - leader of WP7 of Horizon Europe project “Strengthening regional stem cells based research for advancement of multi modal innovative strategy for modelling neurodevelopmental disorders“ – STREAMLINE
2020-2021 study program “Bioinformatics for biologists” at the Faculty of Computer Science, Union University
2018 – member of the Serbian Society for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
2011 – 2019 WP Leader “Molecular genetic analysis of populations that resided in southwestern Serbia from Bronze Age to Middle Ages“ of the project “Ethnogenesis of the Serbs during the Middle Ages (until c.1250): a comparative analysis of the historic-cultural heritage, genetic material and artefacts of material culture from the aspect of analytical chemistry“ (MESTDS, 47025, 2011-2019)
2014 - member of the Ethical Committee of the IMGGE, UB
2011 – 2023 member of the Scientific Council of the IMGGE, UB
2011 - member of the Serbian Genetics Society


Characterization of neurons and astrocytes generated by differentiation of induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome.

Testing potential antitumor and anti-inflammatory properties of bioactive compounds. Analysis of the effect of bioactive compounds on the expression of selected SOX genes and well-known tumor suppressors and oncogenes.

Studying the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variability in population of Serbia from population genetics, phylogenetic and phylogeographic aspects in order to get a better insight into the contribution of demographic and other processes in modeling the contemporary mitochondrial gene pool of the Serbian population.


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