Đorđe Pavlović
Research Assistant
Laboratory for Molecular Biomedicine
Group for Molecular Biomedicine
Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade
Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Mobile: +381 61 320 53 08
E-mail: djordje.pavlovic@imgge.bg.ac.rs
2020 - PhD student in Molecular Biology, Molecular Biomedicine, Faculty of Biology (FB), University of Belgrade (UB)
2020 - MSc in Molecular Biology and Physiology, Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Biology (FB), University of Belgrade (UB) (Thesis: “Analysis of expression of long non-coding RNA GAS5 in adult acute myeloid leukemia”)
2019 - Bachelor’s in Molecular Biology and Physiology, Human Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Biology (FB), University of Belgrade (UB)
2021 - Junior Researcher in Laboratory for Molecular Biomedicine, IMGGE, UB
2020 - PhD student in Laboratory for Molecular Biomedicine, IMGGE, UB
2018 - Festival organizer and graphic designer for Brain Awarness Week 2018
The primary goal of my research is the understanding of molecular mechanisms underlying rare diseases on a transcriptomic and pharmacogenomic level. My current focus is on the long non-coding RNA GAS5 and it’s role in the prognostics of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and disorders of pregnancy.