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University of Belgrade

Teodora Karan-Đurašević

Associate Research Professor
Laboratry for Molecular Biomedicine
group for molecular biomedicine

Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Mobile: +381 65 397 64 45
Phone: +381 11 397 64 45
Fax:    +381 11 397 58 08


2012 - PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Biology (FB), University of Belgrade, (UB)
(Molecular basis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: correlation between the immunoglobulin heavy chain mutational status and the expression of apoptotic genes)
2004 - in Molecular Biology and Physiology, FB


2021 - Senior Research Associate, IMGGE, UB
2013 – 2021     Research Associate, IMGGE, UB
2007 - 2013   Research Assistant, Laboratory for Molecular Biomedicine, IMGGE, UB
2006 - 2007   Research Trainee, Laboratory for Molecular Biomedicine,  IMGGE, UB


  • participation in the international projects:
  • "Strengthening the Research Potential of IMGGE through Reinforcement of Biomedical Science of Rare Diseases in Serbia – en route for innovation", SERBORDISinn (EU-FP7-REGPOT, 316088, 2013 - 2016)
  • European LeukemiaNet – "Strengthen and develop scientific and technological excellence in research and therapy of leukemia (CML, AML, ALL, CLL, MDS, CMPD) by integration of the leading national leukemia networks and their interdisciplinary partner groups in Europe" (FP6, LSHC-CT-2004 European Commission, 2004 - 2015)
  • "Health Improvement in Serbia through Reinforcement of Biomedical Science and Technology", HISERBS (EU FP6 SSA INCO-026357, 2006 - 2009)
  • participation in the national projects:
  • "Rare diseases: Molecular Pathophysiology, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Modalities and Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects" ( 41004, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, 2011 - 2019)
  • "Genomic elements in phenotype modulation" (No. 143051, Ministry of Science and Environmental Protection, Republic of Serbia, 2006 – 2010)
  • teaching experience at the postgraduate course "Molecular Haematology" within the study programme "Molecular Biology", FB, UB (2015 – 2017)
  • volunteering at the National Laboratory for detection of infectious agents „Fire Eye“, Clinical Centre of Serbia (2020)


Genetics of haematological malignancies, with the focus on chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

Molecular markers relevant for diagnosis and treatment of haematological malignancies.


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