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University of Belgrade

Stefan Stanovčić

Research Assistant
Laboratory for Plant Molecular Biology

Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade
Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11010 Belgrade, Serbia

Mobile: +381 65 397 64 14
Phone: +381 11 397 64 14
Fax: +381 11 397 64 14


2017 - PhD student, module Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2016 - MSc in Biology, module Applied genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2015 - BSc in Biology, module Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

Research experience

2020 - Junior Researcher, Laboratory for Plant Molecular Biology (LPMB), IMGGE
2016-  Master student, Department of genetics of populations and ecogenotoxicology , Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade

Other activities

2016 - Member of Serbian Genetic Society
2016- Participant in workshop “Analysis of genomic data on the Galaxy platform”
2015 - Participant of Congress of biology students “Simplast”

Research interest

Molecular-genetic bases of conjugation of processes participating in efficient regeneration of cell populations after strong oxidative stress and mechanisms of DNA damage repair


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