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University of Belgrade

Scientific calendar

Center for the Promotion of Science, 2020-2021
Principal Investigator: Dr Sandra Dragicevic, IMGGE
Participants from IMGGE: Dr Aleksandra Nikolic, dr Milena Ugrin, dr Sanja Jeremic, dr Bojana Banovic Djeri

The purpose of this project is to inform primary and secondary school students and college students, through age-appropriate quality and interactive contents, about the latest achievements in biology, as well as to meet experts from this scientific field.  The aim of the project is to celebrate days that are important for awareness of scientific discoveries from different biology fields by organizing thematic lectures, workshops and other activities which bring science closer to the participants in a popular and interesting way. Project activities will encourage all students to think creatively through interactive, team and independent work, and will inspire them to engage in scientific research in biology. Within the project, educational workshops will be organized for high school seniors and college students in order to introduce them to basic academic skills which will improve their critical thinking and help them during further education and career choices.

Head office / Mailing address: Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia / Web System By Emarket1ng.NET