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University of Belgrade

Dr Milka Malesevic won L'OREAL-UNESCO "For Women in Science" award

Dr Milka Malesevic from the Molecular Microbiology Group is one of three this year's winners of the national fellowship "For Women in Science" awarded by L'OREAL Balkan. The fellowship is awarded in partnership with Serbian National Commission for UNESCO and with the support of Ministry for Science, Technological Development and Innovation of Serbia with the aim to affirm the role of female researchers and their contribution to the scientific progress. 

Dr. Milka Malešević is engaged in researching the biodiversity of microorganisms, studying the mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics and developing new antimicrobial compounds. Her scientific research work is focused on finding alternative therapeutic agents effective in eliminating pathogenic bacteria and developing a new generation of catheters to keep infections associated with their use under control.

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