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University of Belgrade

Best IMGGE publications in 2024

A paper in a journal with the highest IF in which a young researcher from IMGGE is the first or last author:

Marija Nenadović

Nenadović M, Maršavelski A, Bogojević SŠ, Maslak V, Nikodinović-Runić J, Milovanović J. New model compounds for the efficient colorimetric screening of medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate (mcl-PHA) depolymerases reveal mechanism of activity. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024;283(Pt 3):137672.

Jovana Ćurčić

Curcic J, Dinic M, Novovic K, Vasiljevic Z, Kojic M, Jovcic B, Malesevic M. A novel thermostable YtnP lactonase from Stenotrophomonas maltophilia inhibits Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence in vitro and in vivo. Int J Biol Macromol. 2024;264(Pt 1):130421.

A paper in a journal with the highest IF in which a researcher from IMGGE is the first or last author:

Aleksandar Pavić

Pavic A, Radakovic N, Moric I, Stankovic N, Opsenica D, Senerovic L. Long-chain 4-aminoquinolines inhibit filamentation and increase efficacy of nystatin against Candida albicans infections in vivo. NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes. 2024;10(1):146.

A paper in a journal with the highest IF, the result of the collaboration of researchers from IMGGE:

Eco-Biotechnology and Drug Development Group

Araujo JA, Taxeidis G, Da Silva Pereira EH, Azeem M, Pantelic B, Jeremic S, Ponjavic M, Chen Y, Mojicevic M, Nikodinovic-Runic J, Topakas E, Brennan Fournet M. Biotechnological model for ubiquitous mixed petroleum - and bio-based plastics degradation and upcycling into bacterial nanocellulose. J Clean Prod. 2024;443:141025.

The best paper chosen by the Scientific Council:

Miroslav Dinić

Dinić M, Burgess JL, Lukić J, Catanuto P, Radojević D, Marjanović J, Verpile R, Thaller SR, Gonzalez T, Golić N, Strahinić I, Tomic-Canic M, Pastar I. Postbiotic lactobacilli induce cutaneous antimicrobial response and restore the barrier to inhibit the intracellular invasion of Staphylococcus aureus in vitro and ex vivo. FASEB J. 2024;38(14):e23801.

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