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University of Belgrade

Nataša Golić

Full Research Professor
Group for Probiotics and Microbiota-Host Interaction

Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade

Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Mobile: +381 64 8044096
Phone: +381 11 397 57 44
Fax:    +381 11 397 58 08


2009 - PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering: “Analyses of the prt genes regulation in the natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29”, Faculty of Biological Science, UB, Yugoslavia.
1996 - M.Sc. in Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering: “Cloning and analysis of the proteinase region of the natural isolate Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BGIS29”, Faculty of Biological Science, UB, Yugoslavia.
1993 - B.S. in Biology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, UB, Yugoslavia.


2013 - Principal Research Fellow, Laboratory for Molecular Microbiology (LMM), IMGGE
2005-2012 - Senior Research Associate, Laboratory for Molecular Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms (LMGIM), IMGGE
2000-2005 - Research Associate, LMGIM, IMGGE
1996-2000 - Research Assistant, LMGIM, IMGGE
1994-1996 - Research Trainee, LMGIM, IMGGE


Research interest includes: analysis of microbiota composition in correlation with various human and animal diseases, identification of new microbiological markers positively correlated with good health status of humans and animals, analysis of probiotic potential of natural isolates of bacteria, host-microbe interactions, biochemical characterization of bioactive compounds produced by probiotic bacteria. Current projects relate to the characterization of genes and factors responsible for the probiotic potential of lactobacilli (egzopolysaccharides, GABA, immunomodulators, neurotransmitters, autophagy induction). In addition, the development of new therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of various diseases and formulations of probiotic cultures for humans and animals.



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