Hristina Mitrović
Research Assistant
Group for Probiotics and Microbiota-Host Interaction
Laboratory for molecular Microbiology
Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade
Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Mob: +381 65 3975960
Tel: +381 11 3975960
Fax: +381 11 397 58 08
2021- PhD student, module Genetics, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2021- Master of science in Biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2020- Bachelor of science in Biology, Facuty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Research experience
2023- PhD thesis, Laboratory for Molecular Microbiology, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
2021-2023- PhD thesis, Laboratory of molecular biology, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
2020-2021- Master thesis, Laboratory of molecular biology, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
Research interest
- Host-microbe interactions.
- Extracellular vesicles of probiotic and commensal bacteria and their role in communication with the host