Goran Vukotić
Assistant professor and senior research associate
Laboratory for molecular microbiology
Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering (IMGGE),
Chair of biochemistry and molecular biology, Faculty of biology (FB),
University of Belgrade (UB)
Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Belgrade 152, Serbia
Phone: +381 11 397 57 44
Fax: +381 11 397 58 08
E-mail: vukoticg@bio.bg.ac.rs
2016 - PhD in Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Biology (FB), UB,
(Proteinases of lactic acid bacteria: diversity in mesophilic species of lactobacilli and impact on bacteriocin activity)
2010 - M. Sc. in molecular biology and physiology, BF, UB
2022- Assistant professor Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2017 – Teaching assistnat Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2022 – Senior research associate, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2013 - Member of the Serbian biochemical society
2011 - Member of the Serbian society for microbiology
2011 - Member of the Serbian biological society
2011 - Teachinig assistant, Faculty of Biology, UB
Serine proteinases of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), molecular and biochemical characterization, diversity and distribution; Bacteriocins of LAB, detection and cloning of new bacteriocin genes; Interaction of bacteriocins and serine proteinases of LAB; Application of serine proteinases of lactobacilli in production of antioxidative peptides from plant material; Application of serine proteinases of lactobacilli in abrogating immunoreactivity of milk proteins in immunocompromised individuals.