Brana Pantelić
Research Assistant
Group for eco-biotechnology and drug development
Laboratory for Microbial Molecular Genetics and Ecology
Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering (IMGGE),
University of Belgrade
Vojvode Stepe 444a, 11042 Beograd 152, Srbija
Mob: +381 64 8044093
Tel: +381 11 39 76 034
Fax: +381 11 397 58 08
2019 – PhD student, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2019 – MSc in biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
2018 – BSc in biology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade
Research experience
2022- Research assistant, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
2019-2022 – Research Trainee, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
2018-2019 – Master student, Institute of molecular genetics and genetic engineering, University of Belgrade
Other activities
2022- Part of BioECOLogics project (
2020- Part of BioICEP project (Bio Innovation of a Circular Economy for Plastics H2020 project,
2020 - Member of the Serbian society for microbiology
2018-2023 - Volunteer in the European researchers night
Research interest
- Biocatalysis
- Bioremediation
- Molecular biotechnology