Prof. Dr. Ljubisa Topisirovic
Prof. Dr. Ljubisa Topisirovic was IMGGE director for two terms, 1988-1989 and 2011-2013. Since the foundation of the Institute in 1986, he was Head of the Laboratory of Molecular Genetics of Industrial Microorganisms. For more than four decades he was engaged in research on molecular genetics of bacteria. At the Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade he has taught many generations of students and was a mentor of numerous undergraduate, master and doctoral theses. He is member of the Serbian Genetic Society and Serbian Microbiology Society, as well as the American Society of Microbiology. He was awarded the Order of "Chevalier dans l'Ordre des Palmes Academiques" of France. During his career he was, among other things, Vice-Rector of the University of Belgrade, Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Richard the Lionheart in the institute's New Year's theater performance. While enjoying his retirement, he is still active in science, especially in the field of education of future scientists.