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Универзитет у Београду

Science in Motion for Friday Night Commotion 2020 (SCIMFONICOM 2020)

Европска комисија, H2020-955327, 2020
Руководилац пројекта: Др Биљана Шљукић Паунковић, Факултет за физичку хемију, Универзитет у Београду
Учесници из ИМГГИ: Др Милена Угрин, др Александра Николић, др Сања Јеремић, др Бојана Бановић Ђери, др Александра Дивац Ранков, др Лидија Ђокић, Сандра Драгичевић, Тамара Бабић

SCIMFONICOM 2020 is a one-year project organized by the Faculty of Physical Chemistry and Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade. Within this project, Researchers’ Night event will be organized around the theme "Lighten up your mind" in 12 cities and 3 rural communities in Serbia.
The project is supported by prominent educational institutions such as Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and Regional Centre for Talents. The program planned to be organized on November 27 and 28, 2020 is envisaged to include a range of highly interesting and stimulating activities, from Power up the World (series of interactive demonstrations in the area of physical sciences); Power of life (series of interactive demonstrations in the area of life sciences); Power of mind (series of interactive demonstrations and workshops in the area of social sciences); Treasure Hunt (win an award by completing hands-on experiments); Science Up (short lectures and demonstrations regarding the scientific principles behind the things we use in our daily lives); Open Lab (visit to a research laboratory with opportunity to see researchers in action); Around the World in 60 days (interactive digital media workshop) and 10 most exciting scientific experiments (interactive lectures); European Corners (interactive display of EU projects in Serbia and trivia game challenging visitors knowledge) to Science Vans (mobile researchers’ teams in rural areas).
SCIMFONICOM 2020 is expected to continue contributing to the raising of public awareness about research (both in the area of natural and social sciences) and to bring researchers closer to the visitors by offering new activities and locations while obtaining greater support of educational institutions and other organizations towards RN main ideas. The project will take part in the regional RN network, bringing greater synergy at the regional and European level and emphasizing European character of RN.

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