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Универзитет у Београду

Researchers' Night Fever (RENIFEVER)

Principal Investigator: Dr Sonja Pavlovic

            Researchers’ Night 2011 in Belgrade, entitled „Researchers’ Night Fever“ (RENIFEVER), will be organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, University of Belgrade, a leading research and educational institution, and the Center for Promotion of Science and Art, an organizer of mass events, „Museum Night“ and „Science Festival“. The objectives of the project are to attract large number of participants, to organize broad range of activities for all the categories of the public, to enable direct contact between participants and researchers and to offer participants education on research balanced with entertainment. RENIFEVER will take place at several locations (cultural centers, galleries, clubs), in the very center of Belgrade, in Knez Mihailova Street, a pedestrian zone usually crowded by people on Friday evenings. Program will last for six hours and will offer participants interaction with researchers and «edutainment» through casual walk in the city center. Participants will be able to talk to researchers and get informed on research in various fields of science: physics, astronomy, biology, genetics, chemistry, geology, archeology, medicine, psychology. Various contents will be adjusted to cover interests of specific target audience groups and will be strategically distributed on several locations. Massive campaign will be launched in order to announce and promote this event. Three days before the event a launch campaign will be organized and it will encompass making of a large DNA model personalized by signatures of researchers and participants (DNA for Guinness). During RENIFEVER, the following major activities will be organized: Science, walk with me – set of entertaining hands on experiments performed as tasks; Speed date with researchers – quick conversation with scientists in a club atmosphere; What's on the menu in our Science Cafe? – presentation of «hot» scientific topics in an unusual way; European corners (2) – learning and entering a quiz competition about famous European scientists; Good vibrations – live music concert performed by the group of astrophysicists; Science Cinema – presentations of short science films moderated by researchers. This event is expected to significantly enhance public recognition of researchers and their work in Serbia.

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