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University of Belgrade

Detection of the ТP53 gene mutations associated with the presence of cancer

Somatic TP53 gene mutations are among the most common genetic alterations in human cancers. They can be detected in almost all types of cancers and are more frequent in advanced stages, as well as in aggressive subtypes of the disease. TP53 mutational status represents a new molecular-genetic marker important for additional stratification of patients into risk groups, predicting the clinical course of the disease, and for the selection of adequate therapy.

The material for the detection of mutations in the exons  4-10 оf TP53 gene  is DNA isolated from mononuclear cells from the peripheral blood оr bone marrow. Methodology used for the detection of these mutations is PCR method, followed by direct sequencing.
For analysis, it is necessary to deliver 2 to 5 ml of full venous blood or bone marrow, collected with 3.8% Na-citrate as an anticoagulant. The peripheral blood specimen must be delivered on the same day it was collected. Do not freeze the samples! Submission of samples can be made on every working day from 10-13 h. Also, there is a possibility to send the sample via Express post. Analysis is completed within 10 working days. The result and the receipt are delivered to the home address by registered mail, and can also be picked up in person from 10 am to 4 pm every working day at the Institute.

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